How To Avoid Injuries During A Workout

How To Avoid Injuries During A Workout

If you are a fitness lover, you cannot wait to jump straight into your exercise regime each day. However, quite often, many of us start working out without considering the potential injuries that are just around the corner. In my latest article, I suggest a few handy tips to help keep the dangers at bay.

A regular exercise plan is undoubtedly a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy – no matter whether you want to lose excess fat or build muscle, the benefits are far too numerous to count. Even so, there are always risks with any form of heavy activity you must be aware of so you help protect yourself against any pitfalls.

Lifting Weights Safely

If you are a veteran gym buff or just started to lift, it is absolutely critical to ensure you use weights safely. If you are beginning your bodybuilding journey (or getting back into fitness after a long hiatus), remember to start with lower weights (before you can determine your current limit). There is no harm in taking it slow (do not concern yourself with pride or whatever anyone else is doing – this is your journey).

If you have been hitting the gym for a long time, you may think you know your limit and are an ‘expert’ in bodybuilding. However, this can be a dangerous mindset, as you could have a blasé attitude when it comes to lifting and pushing yourself too far just for those extra couple of reps. You need to stay within your level and progress slowly yet safely. It is not a race; focus on the long-term goals.

Also, if you are attempting to drive yourself harder, it is advisable to grab the help of a spotter for specific exercises to take the weight if you find yourself struggling. Exercises with barbells, such as chest presses and squats, are perfect candidates. If you opt to use dumbbells instead, that can allow better control for yourself if you start to slip during a set.

Warming Up

Even though all fitness experts say it is vital, many people seemingly fail to incorporate warm-ups into their workouts. However, this can easily go wrong, and you can damage your muscles severely, costing you a lot of downtime (while you are recovering from pulled muscles or even ripped tendons).

Warming up effectively stretches your muscles, increasing blood flow and mobility and providing a far wider range of motion when lifting weights.

So remember, it is only a few extra minutes before you begin your sets (and after, if you partake in cool-down exercises); once built into your schedule, it will eventually become second nature.

Cardio With Care

If you prefer cardiovascular exercises to weight-lifting (or mix the two), you still face a variety of risks. As with all heavy activity, it is vital not to push yourself too far. For example, if you are running (either in the park, on the streets, or on your home treadmill), once you feel you are reaching your limit, start to slow down to an easier pace.

If you have recently recovered from any injuries, then it is also vital to begin your cardio fitness at a more relaxed pace. Consider walking before sprinting; you will still be burning those calories with fewer risks to your recovering joints and bones. If you have damaged the bones in your legs, such as your knees, you can wear support straps for safety while they heal. Similarly, if one of your feet is causing you issues, you can invest in an ankle compression sleeve – so your recovering bones will feel less pressure against the heavy impact of your foot meeting the ground when running/walking.


If you are a keen fitness fanatic, remember to be careful when working out. Follow the tips in this guide to defend yourself from any mishaps you may encounter. Then, all you need to do is focus on your gains and enjoy your gym time.

What do you think of my latest exercise article? Please let me know in the comments section below.


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