Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Razor – An Interview With Dr Kristina Vanoosthuyze

Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Razor – An Interview With Dr Kristina Vanoosthuyze

I’m proud to share some fantastic content with my readers for my latest blog post, which follows on seamlessly from my Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Review. Allow me to present you with an interview with Dr Kristina Vanoosthuyze – Senior Manager Scientific Communications, Gillette UK.
We will find out more in-depth information about her role at Gillette along with more of the technical side of the new SkinGuard Sensitive. Read on to find out more! View Post

Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive Razor Review

Gillette SkinGuard Razor Review

Time for another review on my men’s fashion blog, only this time it is something a little bit unique. I have teamed up with Gillette to test out their brand new razor – Gillette SkinGuard Sensitive. Read on further to discover if it provides the best shave yet!

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