SkeletonHD Phantom Stack Bracelet Review

   SkeletonHD Phantom Stack Bracelet Review

As the summer approaches, my attention has turned away from overcoats, boots and knitwear; instead, my current interests have focused on men’s jewellery pieces, particularly wristwear. So, for my next blog post, I will be taking a closer look at the SkeletonHD Phantom Stack Bracelet in my latest review. View Post

Blue Suit With Black Skinny Jeans Outfit

Blue Suit With Black Skinny Jeans Outfit

Something a little different for my latest outfit post, whereas usually I can be seen in more casual attire, today I opted for an extreme opposite by wearing a suit! I thought it was time to mix up my style somewhat and broaden my horizons on my mens fashion blog. View Post

Skeleton HD Outlaws Silver Twin Skull Bracelet Review

Skeleton HD Outlaws Silver Twin Skull Bracelet Review

Mens bracelets are something which have always alluded me, partially because I never encountered one that really grabbed my attention. The primary reason is due to the simple fact that I believed they wouldn’t fit in with my wardrobe choices. Times change, my fashion choices are constantly evolving from week to week, it wasn’t so long ago I would never have even worn a baseball cap or super skinny jeans! So with that in mind, I’ve teamed up with Skeleton HD to review one of their bracelets, this will surely give me the chance to decide once and for all if mens jewellery is something that fits in with my style! View Post