How Can Healthy Hair Improve A Man’s Confidence Levels

How Can Healthy Hair Improve A Man’s Confidence Levels

For many men, having great hair is one of the most important factors when it comes to their overall appearance – strong and shiny-looking hair is the ultimate fashion accessory, especially when styled correctly. In my latest lifestyle blog post, I offer a series of points on how healthy-looking hair can improve a man’s confidence tenfold.

Having a top hairstyle is great (if you have good genes), but if you worry about hair loss, your self-esteem can take a significant hit, even more so if you regularly check out social media and are inundated with a flurry of perfect (and often photoshopped) hairstyles. The link between hair and self-confidence is something that needs to be understood, and in my pointers below, you will have a greater understanding of how they go hand in hand together.

Why Does Hair Affect How We Feel

Waking up in the morning and your hair looking ‘on-point’ is a great feeling and easily sets you up nicely for the day, giving you greater confidence at work and leisure. Your hair plays a huge role in our emotions and gives us a deep sense of identity. Many men (such as myself) prefer facial hair too, as it adds to the overall look, yet many choose to show off that sleek jaw with a clean shave (although, some years ago, I rocked that look for a while, thanks to Gillette).

It’s A Reflection Of Our Self-care

Whenever you see a man with well-groomed hair, you instantly recognise that they spend time looking after themselves, especially in appearance. Although, thanks to sometimes some wild weather (I’m looking at you, wind), it takes some high-end styling products to hold things in place throughout the day.

However, as with all things, there are exceptions to the rule – unattended hair doesn’t always tell the absolute truth about how much time a man spends in front of the mirror; even so, many men might will believe that hair is one of the first things both men and women notice, mainly if it is messy (and not the good, intentional kind).

Good Hair Boosts Our Mood

If your hair gives you a positive feeling and, in turn, a heavy dose of confidence, then a ‘bad hair day’ can affect us negatively via feelings of insecurity and worry. Braidwood Clinic (a specialist in hair loss) held a survey in 2015, and at least one-third of men admitted to feeling depressed as a result of hair loss. This type of evidence shows you should never underestimate how hair can impact a person’s mood and mental well-being on a daily basis.

It’s Something We Can Control

We cannot influence or change many things, especially concerning our appearance. Our height, the shape of our bodies, physical attributes (although these can be altered with surgery), or even our personality traits make us who we are, and we must embrace them. However, if you need an outlet to experiment and change, mixing up your hair with different lengths, styles, and even colours is one of the best ways to express yourself to others.

Even so, Father time can cause us to start losing our hair – if you are one of the many whose hairline is receding could look into hair building fibres giving a better way to control your hair for a much-needed self-esteem boost.

Good Hair Helps Us Socialise

If we don’t concern ourselves too much with our appearance, we can enjoy social gatherings with friends, family, and newcomers too. If you are self-conscious, having great hair will allow you to focus on the situation and not worry about making an impression.


Hair can be controlled, yet many men are unwilling to adapt and feel confident about making changes. Unfortunately, hair loss and male pattern baldness still have a stigma attached which does not help men in this category. It doesn’t matter how old you are; pursuing advice and discovering new treatment options is never too late. If you are struggling with your mental health and your hair is one of the primary causes, then seek out a medical professional or counsellor.

I hope my latest article has offered insight into hair and the confidence it can bring to the table, allowing you to incorporate some of this knowledge into your daily life. Would you like to see more content like this? Please let me know your thoughts below.


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