Wide Fit Shoes – New Balance 880 Review

Wide Fit Shoes – New Balance 880 Review

Men’s footwear is one of the most important parts of any outfit, often the final piece of the style puzzle. However, sometimes, no matter what sneakers or shoes you buy, they are just uncomfortable to wear. Many men suffer from problem feet and need shoes with a wider fit to alleviate any issues. With this in mind, in my latest review, I will be checking out a pair of trainers from Wide Fit Shoes to find out more! View Post

Dune Tezzy White Trainers – Footwear Feature

Dune Tezzy White Trainers – Footwear Feature

As a lover of men’s shoes, you can never have too many in your wardrobe! So, I was more than happy to feature the summer-style Tezzy White Trainers from Dune in my latest fashion blog feature. Carry on reading for more! View Post

What Are 6E Wide Shoes

What Are 6E Wide Shoes

Shoes are an essential element of any fashionable guy’s wardrobe. Their shape and design are significant, as are the fit and level of comfort, especially if you have wider feet. In my latest article, I will discover more about the 6E wide shoes, who they are designed for, and the best pairs available on the market. Continue reading to find out more. View Post

Helm Boots The Calistoga Review

Helm Boots The Calistoga Review

Footwear for men comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes and is even conceived for different occasions or events. The Calistoga from Helm Boots has added something new to the fray, as these footwear pieces have been designed using Wine Country as their motivation. Find out more in my latest fashion blog review. View Post